Dancing Kevin: Fat Boys Can Dance

D.T. had done it again and managed to find awesome links and photos (and even secret ways of retrieving higher resolutions of images).  Thank you, friend!  Last time it was Big Tony Scrivens, this time, he had reintroduced me to the chubby goodness that is Dancing Kevin of The Brew 96.1.

Definitely check out the following links-o-mania to everything Dancing Kevin:

Personal Blog
MySpace Page

YouTube Page


Search for “Kevin” on the page.
Larger versions of these pics are available by following these 4 simple steps:

STEP 1: Right-click on the photo you’re drooling over.  Select “Properties.”  (We’re gonna check out Photo 12, because that Lion Mascot is rubbing on Dancing Kevin’s belly.)

STEP 2: Highlight the url/location of that image:http://www.961thebrew.com/cc-common/gallery/thumb.php?src=/export/home//cc-common/mlib/3370/04/3370_11771718993.JPG&wmax=446&hmax=410&quality=90

STEP 3: Paste the url on your browser (preferably a new window).  Now focus on this part of the url:
Change the numbers to this:

So now, it looks like this:


STEP 4: Now you have a better image.  One last thing left to do: Dance!

2 thoughts on “Dancing Kevin: Fat Boys Can Dance Leave a comment

  1. too bad hes straight, but hes a totally cool guy. chatted with him once on youtube after posting his videos of his commercials, AFTER he said i could.

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