BigOfficerBear: The Big Boss Man Version 2.0

The Big Boss ManThe Big Boss Man was definitely one of my favorite pro-wrestlers growing up as a teenager. He was a musclechub before I had any idea what a musclechub was. Others would probably just call him a “chub,” and that’s okay.

To me, he was still a “bear” — “bear” being an umbrella term to describe large men. Honestly, if I could rewind time, I would have just started a blog called “Large Men.”

However, that just sounded so plain. And the term “bears” made my inner hipster extremely happy.

The Big Boss Man (real name: Ray Traylor) is not in this world any longer. However, he had made my teenage years very exciting (I had a very boring teen life). He was literally an exciting figure: he was a cocky heel and that sky blue police uniform made him an imposing figure that fulfilled my fantasies. And don’t get me started when he started sweating…

Fast-forward 32 years later. I was just browsing through YouTube when I was recommended by YouTube’s algorithm to watch a video titled “Wresting BIG Officer Bear” (you can only watch this video in YouTube):

Suddenly, I was whisked away to my teenage years. This BigOfficerBear brought back fond memories of The Big Boss Man (the “heel version” of course). That video was not a short clip, but an actual full match. Granted he completely dominated the whole match but it was still glorious to watch it nevertheless.

BigOfficerBear ScreenshotI wanted more and I found out that he has a website: Wow, he has videos from BDSM, wrestling, squashing, and smothering. I was a bit disappointed that he only has one video where he got dominated. But beggars can’t be choosers! I mean, it’s BIG OFFICER BEAR! The name says it all.

BigOfficerBear 02What’s even cooler is that he doesn’t role-play just a police officer. He also cosplays as Roadhog!

(As an aside, check out my numerous Tumblr blog posts on Roadhog; by the way, I am Gizmo72 on Overwatch PC. Not surprisingly, my main character is Junkrat.)

BigOfficerBear as Roadhog[envira-gallery id=”13214″]

Anyway, needless to say, this site is for the 18+ and over crowd. I try my best to keep my blog PG-13, but based on what the majority thinks of my blog, I am Rated XXX. So, once in awhile, let us post something that is actually Rated XXX. 😉



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I used a cloud software to make the above video. As a side-hustle, I have been using this to make Facebook video banner ads. I normally use VSDC Video Editor Pro, but Offeo does its job amazingly well if you want to make really short videos (like seconds short) with nifty special effects.

Most if not all of the images that I upload here will be enlarged and enhanced by a software called Topaz Gigapixel AI.

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