John Marcotte Proposes To Ban Divorce

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Thanks to everyone who have emailed me about John Marcotte and his quest to get a voter’s initiative on the California 2010 ballot called the “2010 California Marriage Protection Act.”  If it gets passed, registered voters from California will have the opportunity to finally cement a complete and utter protection to “Traditional Marriage.”  Check out boingboing for more info.

His website must be visited by everyone, especially by our friends who oppose same-sex marriage.  Here are some choice snippets from his site…

I’m Catholic. My faith teaches me that divorce is a sin. I don’t believe that the government should be indoctrinating our children — telling them that divorce is “cool” or “legally permissible.” That type of moral decision should be taught within the confines of the family. It is not the government’s job to teach our children what to think about the morality of divorce.

* * * * *

Jesus says getting divorced is a sin:

Mark 10:9-11

9 Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”
10 When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this.
11 He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her.
12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.

Interestingly, Jesus never once even mentioned homosexuals or homosexual behavior. I assume this was some sort of clerical oversight that will be rectified during the end of days as described in the Book of Revelation.  Perhaps during Satan’s 1,000 year reign. I’ll get back to you on that one.

Awesome.  Just awesome.

Pass this news to everyone…

And in related bear news, how seriously hot is John Marcotte?  Thank you, Mr. Marcotte.  Thank you very much…

john marcotte

Jesus says getting divorced is a sin:

Mark 10:9-11

9 Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”
10 When they were in the house again, the disciples asked Jesus about this.
11 He answered, “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her.
12 And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.

Interestingly, Jesus never once even mentioned homosexuals or homosexual behavior. I assume this was some sort of clerical oversight that will be rectified during the end of days as described in the Book of Revelation.  Perhaps during Satan’s 1,000 year reign. I’ll get back to you on that one.

6 thoughts on “John Marcotte Proposes To Ban Divorce Leave a comment

  1. I applaud your courage! Marriage is serious business and we need to stand up and let everyone know (religious or not) that Marriage is a lifetime commitment.

    If people understood that Marriage is a privilege – a socially responsible act, we’d see a decline in many of our social issues that stem from the lack of compassion, love and the ability to endure through the good and the bad, until death.

    The reality is that we are becoming more focused on self and less focused on each other which is exhibited in the lack of love in our homes (Divorce/Single parenting).

    Bottom line, our society displays love as perfect emotional exhilaration with or without sex. The truth is that love is being patient, kind, not keeping track of right and wrong, enduring, sharing, growing together and sacrifice. It’s not always going to be easy, right, fair, just or beautiful but love will always beget love. It manifests itself!

    If for no other reason, love begets love. Selfishness begets selfishness and that’s exactly what Divorce is, a selfish desire for self fulfillment (in many cases).

    We all have a choice. Be single or married. If you get married, guess what? It’s for life.

    It’s that easy!

    For those educated. I believe that our government is essential in setting the standard of legal, civil and social moral code in which we all have a say. I am amazed that no one states the fact that all laws are derived from divine law. “Thou shalt not steal” – Divine Law, “Thou shalt not murder” – Divine Law, “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife” Divine Law, “Thou shalt not commit adultery” – Divine Law. If you believe in our civil and criminal laws that protect you and institutes order then why stop at those 4. There are 6 others (actually there are more refer to the New Testement). The fact of the matter is that we all benefit from behaving morally responsible despite our religious convictions.

    I am confident that everything that was written before hand was written for our ability to learn from the past. Even Solomon realized that one wife was instituted for a reason. That person is your responsibility for life. To love, to understand, to endure until death.

    Wouldn’t you want that? your spouse to honor there word?
    Let you word be your bond, in life, in business and in love.

    God Bless everyone that stands on the word of God despite persecution! Your reward will be great!


    1. I strongly disagree and for one simple reason. IT IS NONE OF YOURS OR ANYONES BUSINESS WHAT SOMEONE WANTS TO DO WITH THEIR MARRIAGE. Thats it. Now, if you think marriage should be a lifetime promise then work on keeping your marriage together.

    1. I personally don’t support the government telling us that “divorce” should be illegal as much as I don’t support the government telling us that “gay marriage” should be illegal. What John Marcotte is doing is cleverly pointing out the hypocrisy of those “who are not against gay marriage but are simply supporters of traditional marriage.”

      This is all grade school mentality amplified to a ridiculous degree, where selfish heterosexuals want to have their cake and eat it to — that is, they can get married as it is a “traditional marriage” while, at the same time, they can also get a divorce legally. You can compare these people from the smalltime school bullies who beat smaller kids for their lunch money (because they need money and they need to eat); to the supporters of Nazi Germany who believe that they’re a superior race over everyone else. This is a case of the majority acting on inhumane mob mentality levels.

      I really hope that this ballot gets passed and I’m very interested to see the results and eventual public opinion on said results. This is a perfect social experiment to see just how narrow-minded a large group of people really are or can be.

  2. Out of all the cause you can take up you choose to choose for a couples right to seperate. What the hell is wrong with you?? Force two people to stay together regardless of the consequences. Dumb fuck. Once again you bastardize religion to justify an action. You cause is wrong in all ways.

  3. It’d be a better idea to outlaw adultery. Make that illegal. Penalize the horny bastards who cheat on their spouses. Not necessarily jail time, but a stiff fine. Like someone said, many of our ‘moral’ laws are already based on the Ten Commandments.

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