Rob Little: Snickers Commercial

Rob Little is an overtly enthusiastic stand-up comedian.  He had also appeared in a number of commercials (check out his YouTube page).  My favorite is his Snickers commercial:

Joey Oglesby: “DATE”

I can’t believe that I have missed this.  Here’s a hilarious, gut-splittin’ video from this amazingly handsome man, Joey Oglesby. “But that’s actually ‘DTATE..W’”  LOL! I was literally in tears from laughing.  Mr. Oglesby, you are indeed GOD. [Related Posts – Joey Oglesby]

FatBoy Dan: Redneck Fisher & Hunter

FatBoy Dan is a YouTube celebrity who has videos of himself and his buddies hunting and fishing.  I could definitely just stare at FatBoy Dan fishing all day in a lazy Sunday afternoon. My fave.  Fat Boy Dan’s sure is enthusiastic with carp fishin’. Redneck workout in the outdoors gym.